reduce your double chin
Fullness under the chin is a common concern for men and women alike. A range of causative factors have been implicated including ageing, genetics and fluctuations in weight. In some patients, this fullness persists despite an appropriate diet and exercise programme.
Belkyra® is an injectable treatment that contains synthesised deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body, where it assists in the breakdown of dietary fat. When injected below the chin, Belkyra® causes permanent destruction of fat cells reducing the volume of fat present, resulting in a more contoured neck profile and jawline. It is an excellent non-surgical option for those wishing to make their double chin single.
How many treatments do I need?
Many people treated with BELKYRA® see visible improvements in the appearance of their chin profile after 2 to 4 treatments.
Sessions are spaced usually about 8 weeks apart and a maximum of 6 treatments may be given. Fat dissolving takes time – it is a marathon, not a sprint – and it’s important to understand BELKYRA® treatment is not a one-off treatment.
what should i expect after treatment?
BELKYRA® treatment does cause significant swelling under the chin and in the upper neck for 2-4 weeks, creating a temporary fullness before seeing improvement. When scheduling the treatment, it is important to consider this.

Your welcome to book a complimentary consultation with us to discuss if this treatment would be suitable for you.
BELKYRA® injection is a prescription medicine containing 10 mg/mL deoxycholic acid. It is used for the improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat in adults. Do not use in people allergic to this medicine, with infection at site of injection, pregnancy and lactation. Possible side effects include headaches, difficulty swallowing, nausea, skin tightness, hypertension, injection site bruising/ pain/ swelling/ numbness/ redness/ tingling/ hardness/ itching/ discolouration/ formation of small areas of hardness/ warmth and injection site nerve injury. BELKYRA® treatment is not funded on the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Schedule. You will need to pay for this medicine. BELKYRA® treatment should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Speak to your specialist about your own situation and about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine. For further information, the Data Sheet and Consumer Medicines Information can be accessed at or ask your doctor. If you have any side effects or concerns speak to your doctor. Note: Results from BELKYRA® treatment usually last up to four years. Allergan, Auckland