
What is involved in the treatment?

This form of treatment is a non-surgical procedure and is performed in office.

The VenaSeal® Sapheon Closure System uses a safe medical adhesive to simply and effectively close large varicose veins.

The procedure is performed with a minimally invasive catheter technique under ultrasound guidance, and patients will be able to quickly return to normal activity.

What are the benefits?

  • VenaSeal® does not require anaesthesia to be injected into the leg via multiple needle sticks (tumescent anesthesia),
  • There are no pre-procedures drugs involved, patients can return to their normal activities right after the treatment.
  • Unlike heat-based procedures, with VenaSeal® there is no risk of skin burns or nerve damage.
  • VenaSeal® usually does not require any post-treatment pain medication or uncomfortable compression stockings.
  • Varicose veins are completely removed!
  • Symptoms are relieved and the appearance improves significantly.

Apollo clinic offers a complimentary consultation, this is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about our treatments and services available.